Successful Together: Watermelon Fruit Boat

June 30, 2011

Watermelon Fruit Boat

There are ideas all over the internet for how to do this. The original idea was from something my sister in law did for the 4th of July, then there were ideas of sprucing it up a bit. Easy enough and you can fill it with whatever fruit you want and fancy it up however you want.

We used:
1 largeish seedless watermelon
2 lbs strawberries, stems removed and hulled if centers white, sliced

Start by figuring out how you want to shape your melon. We were having this at a babyshower, so i did a basic bassinet shape. You can either cut it straight, or if you are lucky like I was with Lorin's melon baller, you will have a "v" shaped end you can notch the front out of. I didnt really get super great step by steps, but if you google it, you will find tons out there.

So you notch out the section to be removed and gently pull to separate. Use melon baller to remove all the yummy insides of the watermelon and place in a separate bowl. Toss the melon and berries together to mix, then refill melon. Chill til ready to serve.


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Linked @ Fit and Fabulous Fridays

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